On Friday night the omni-female(almost), acronym party tag team of CSS and ESG hit the Mezzanine here in San Francisco. It was really interesting to see two female bands at totally different points in their careers share the same stage and audience so seamlessly. The influenced and the influencer, the newbie and the legend. Moments after they took the stage, CSS turned the audience into an energetic, dancing mess - opening with CSS Suxxx and slamming right into Alala. Lovefoxx is quite a frontwoman with the traditional antics of stage diving, dancing amidst the crowd, and spitting flumes of beer into the air a la Karen O, but regardless of performance, there is something so endearing about her shy, Portuguese laden comments between songs (dare I say "cute"). And then ESG - who are well, ES mothafuckin' G and if you don't know, then you better axe somebody. In all seriousness though, ESG were extremely tight as they bounced through their low-key, pulsing funk classics. It was ridiculously awesome to see twenty-something year old dudes screaming "I love you" and reaching their hands to get a quick touch of the fifty-something year old women on stage. CSS are currently wrapping up their tour of the states with a NYC show for the CMJ Marathon before heading to Europe where ESG will be touring as well.
CSS - Alala
CSS - Alala (Bonde do Role Remix)
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